Kyruus Health Outages and StatusPage

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Kyruus Health is committed to communicating to our customers. We leverage a tool called StatusPage ( to enable broad based customer communication related to maintenance windows, and we use this tool to communicate BOTH major outages, and minor business operational delays (ie: Analytics delayed).

Our reason for communicating broadly on business operational delays is that we recognize that many customers have Kyruus Health data flowing into other downstream systems, and business intelligence tools. Delays in the timing for business processes can create a downstream delay for certain customers depending upon the timing of certain events.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 2.58.33 PM.png


What do these statuses mean?

Each application will have a status listed next to its name on the StatusPage. The status definitions are listed below, as well as the Case Priority associated with them according to our standard Support and Hosting Policy.


Operational: The application is functioning as expected 

Under Maintenance:The application is undergoing scheduled maintenance, and some tools or interfaces may be unavailable during the maintenance window

Degraded Performance:Certain pieces of functionality are not functioning optimally (ie. slow load times, trouble saving, etc.) and a StatusPage incident has been created to track the issue [Case Priority: Normal]

Partial Outage: Certain pieces of functionality are unavailable (ie. users can access PMAC, but get an error when logging a case) and a StatusPage incident has been created to track the issue [Case Priority: High]

Major Outage: An entire ProviderMatch application is experiencing a complete loss of service, and a StatusPage incident has been created to track the issue [Case Priority: Urgent]


How can I subscribe for updates?

Please fill out this form with all the emails you would like to have a StatusPage account or one group email that alert multiple users (Recommend and used by most larger organizations)


How do I unsubscribe from updates?

If you are already subscribed for updates, when you click the "Subscribe to Updates" button you will be able to unsubscribe from any/all components. If you uncheck all components, you will no longer receive status email updates from the Kyruus Health StatusPage.



Single Customer Outages

What to Expect During a Single Customer Kyruus Health Outage

Definition of an Outage: The Kyruus Health Application has complete loss of service for which no known workaround exists. The Customer’s use of the Kyruus Health Application cannot reasonably continue until the problem is resolved.

Communication Point Person: on-call Customer Support Agent

Communication Process:

  1. Urgent ticket is submitted by customer
  2. Kyruus Health determines issue is classified as an outage affecting only a single customer
  3. On-call Customer Support Agent triggers Engineering Workflow
  4. Within one hour, the on-call Customer Support Agent provides the customer an overview of what we are doing to resolve the issue in the Support ticket
  5. Updates in writing sent to customers every 30-60 minutes on status of outage via Support Ticket
  6. Notify customer when issue is resolved
  7. Share root cause with the customer within 7-10 business days



Priority Status Chart & Urgent Ticket Status

NOTE: While the Priority field is not required, we do want you to use it! If you are reporting an issue that has high priority, please let us know and we will respond accordingly. The "Urgent" status is only available through the "Submit a Request" page and is intended for technical issues that are severely impacting the application's performance.

Our standard support SLA defines issue priority using the below rubric, so please keep this in mind when determining the priority of your request:

Priority Definition


The Kyruus Health Application has complete loss of service for which no known workaround exists. The Customer’s use of the Kyruus Health Application cannot reasonably continue until the problem is resolved.


The Kyruus Health Application is causing significant or degraded loss of Customer use. This can be defined as a major product flaw with a workaround.


The Kyruus Health Application is experiencing an issue which has normal time criticality, delivery is not imminent, and there is little or no work stoppage resulting from this issue.


The Kyruus Health Application is experiencing an issue which has low time criticality. The resolution will be delivered at a time the Customer and Kyruus Health Support team agree upon. There is no work stoppage resulting from this issue.

Time Sensitive Requests

We on the Kyruus Health Support team understand that some issues/requests have a time sensitive element to them, but may not fit within the Priority Levels outlined above. If you have a time sensitive issue or request, please add "TIME SENSITIVE" to your subject line, so we can triage appropriately.

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